Visual designer graduated at the ISIA of Urbino (Higher Institute for Artistic Industries), he works in many different fields related to visual communication, as coordinated image, press, exhibition design, web design, retail design. Recently, he has enlarged his area of work expertise focusing on information design.
Co-founder of Vertigo Design, since its establishment he has been working on various projects for clients such as Auditorium – Parco della Musica, Comune di Roma, Agenzia del Demanio, P&G, Garante per la Privacy, Finmeccanica, Alenia Spazio, Telespazio, Merck, Fandango Cinema, Intralot, Unicef and many more. He received an award for the project of Belluno city centre tourist signage, and a number of studio projects have been published by international magazines.
He has been teaching Graphic and Visual Communication for the Industrial Design course degree at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, and Project Communication for for the three years degree at the ISIA Roma Design. He taught also “Communication Design”in a master course (Master UX- User Experience) at the department of Psychology and Studies of Development and Socialisation Processes (University of Rome “La Sapienza”). Now he continues teaching System Design courses for the Information Design 2 years specialistic degree at ISIA Roma.
He's been editor and keeps collaborating with “Progetto Grafico” magazine, and with “diid – disegno industriale”. Among his articles: “War marks, peace signs” (2003), “Erik Nitsche – progress designer” (2008), “Ruedi Baur – theme variations” (2006), “Soul Bass – head-titles” (2007), “Free communications” (2008), “The role of Information Design” (2011). He's member of AIAP and BEDA.